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Mechanical Team

Structures Subteam


The Structures team is a subteam of the Mechanical team that works on the overall structural design of the Hyperloop pod. Structures is mainly concerned with designing the chassis for the pod, developing enclosures for high and low voltage electronic systems, and fabricating the aeroshell for the pod. Structures works closely with the Electrical teams to make sure that all electronics on the pod are mounted and secured properly to promote safety and functionality of the pod.

Current Structures Projects

  • Redesign of the battery pack's enclosure

  • Manufacturing of new aeroshell

  • Mounting of the battery management system (BMS) with the battery pack​

Braking Subteam

The Braking Subteam develops the pneumatic (mechanical) brakes and electromagnetic brakes of the pod. The electromagnetic brakes are particularly effective at high speeds due to a quadratic proportionality of force speed, so are used as the primary braking method at high speeds, while pneumatic brakes are used as the primary braking at low speed due to constant braking force. Additionally, frictional brakes are actuated in emergency situations and in the case of power loss on the pod via a dead-man's-switch method. In the long run, the team strives to implement regenerative braking and refill possibilities for the braking tank during long-run pod operation.

Current Braking Projects

  • Automation of the pneumatic system

  • Development of electromagnetic brakes with concept of redirecting magnetic field

  • Optimization of the designs for mass and ease of manufacturing


Magnetic Subteam

The Magnetic Subteam encompasses magnetic levitation, magnetic propulsion, and a passive horizontal guidance system. Magnetic levitation is achieved statically through the use of modified transformers to act as controllable electromagnets that work in conjunction with a control system to vary the supply voltage into the magnets. Our magnetic propulsion is achieved through the use of a linear induction motor that produces a three phase moving magnetic pole that acts to simultaneously attract and repel an aluminum I-beam track. Overall the magnetics sub team encompasses lots of research, theoretical physics, and the use of controls systems.

Current Magnetic Projects

  • A miniature scaled pod for the means of static levitation

  • Transformer testing to determine saturation properties and material magnetic permeabilities

  • Creation of test rig to calculate force outputted for each electromagnet

  • Ten fold increase in the amount of power supplied to the LIM to increase thrust

  • Revamping of horizontal guidance system to include more stability in the roll direction

  • Modifications to existing fly wheel test rig to allow for faster rotational speeds

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